Example Consulting

General  Applications  

These are a brief description of some of the many applications we have worked on. The applications are unique to the company who funded the development, so they are not for sale "off the shelf".

An indication of the cost of development and installation is shown for comparison purposes.

You can always take advantage of our free Prototyping service before you commit any money to a development.

This will enable you to make sure that you are happy with the approach and that we have understood the brief sufficiantly well for you to trust us with the project.

Social Clubs - £1500
Jewellery Workshop - £250                             Recruitment and Contacts - £5,000.00         Motorcycle Business - £700                                   
We have developed applications to assist in
running Social Clubs. The key features include:

Membership lists
Events Diary
Billing and funding
Mail out and letters
Attendance reporting
Savings and pre payment for events
Income reconciliation
Essentially a stock control system, the application enables the shop owner to instantly value the stock on hand, orders outstanding, and speeds up the stock take process where many small but valuable items are concerned.  Features include;

Stock numbering
Sales records
Valuation Cost vs Sales price achieved
Best turnover items
PPI (Perpetual Inventory - save a load of time)

Built for multi user networked recruitment databases.
No limit to the number of users. Key features include;

Contact details for Clients and potential Clients
Contact history and quick notes option
Contact details for Candidates
CV Scanning and import
CV Mailout and tracking
Client follow up reminders
Automated letters
Billing for placement fees and Contractor fees
Outstanding balances by Client
Secure and confidential
Stock control and invoicing for motorcycle repair and
clothing sales.

Features include;

Automatic Parts ordering list
Job sheets for the workshop
MOT/jobs Diary
Stock control
Minimum Level reorder lists
Links to popular business sites for parts ordering
Stock valuation
Buy/Sell price/Markup analysis
MOT reminder and Client details